MazeMap – Campus Mapping

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This is a preferential pricing quotation available to HEAnet, its member institutes and consumers of its services.

Services Available Under Quotation

This quotation is with MazeMap for the provision of a digital wayfinding platform for students, staff and visitors to find their way around complex campuses. MazeMap allows you to book spaces, monitor occupancy, and manage your facilities more efficiently. Mazemap services:

  • leverage artificial intelligence in map production from CAD files and
  • leverage an array of infrastructure to do indoor positioning
  • connect to facility management systems to automatically keep maps up to date
  • use the same map platform on apps, web pages and other services with powerful APIs

The quotation will expire on 30 April 2027.

More Detailed Information

You can request the information bundle here by selecting Preferential Pricing Quotes / Mazemap.

For more information, please contact