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HEAnet and the Board of Directors

HEAnet, Ireland’s National Education and Research Network, was incorporated in November 1997. It has a subsidiary company EduCampus Services, which was incorporated in April 2015 to deliver quality IT, shared services to the Higher Education sector.

Following the commencement of The Companies Act 2014, HEAnet and EduCampus Services converted to new company types during 2016.  HEAnet converted to a Company Limited by Guarantee and Not Having a Share Capital, and the new company name (including the abbreviated company type) is HEAnet CLG.

Given the group structure, EduCampus Services converted to a Designated Activity Company (DAC) as it is a company with a majority share capital held by HEAnet.  As part of the same conversion process, each company adopted a new Constitution to replace their previous Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Both companies have charitable tax status and are registered with the Charities Regulatory Authority.

The ordinary members and directors of HEAnet and EduCampus Services are appointed in accordance with their Constitution and company law.

The directors of HEAnet and EduCampus Services are collectively responsible for promoting the success of their companies by leading and directing its activities. Both Boards provide strategic guidance to their respective organisations and monitor and review their own activities and the effectiveness of management.

The following information relates to HEAnet’s structure – for further information on EduCampus Services please visit

Directors are appointed for an initial term of four years, with the opportunity to be re-elected to serve for a further four-year term.

The Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2023 is now available here.

The Current Board Directors are listed below:


Technological University Dublin Board Chair: Professor Mike Murphy
Dublin City University Professor Noel O’Connor
Higher Education Authority Ms Orla Christle
University of Galway Ms Aoife Tuohy
Consortium of National and University Libraries Ms Allison Kavanagh (TU Dublin)
Technological Higher Education Association Dr Orla Flynn (ATU)
Technological Higher Education Association Dr Billy Bennett (ATU)
Trinity College Dublin Mr Patrick Magee
University College Dublin Mr Phillip Fischer
University of Limerick Mr Gary Butler
Maynooth University Ms Rachel O’Connell
University College Cork Ms Nora Geary
Independent Board Member *Dr Paul Feldman

*As per Constitution Section 42(c).

The current Ordinary Members of HEAnet are listed below:

Dublin City University Dr Declan Raftery
Technological University Dublin Ms Bridget Gleeson
Higher Education Authority Dr Vivienne Patterson
Maynooth University Dr Mike O’Malley
University of Galway Ms Sharon Bailey
Technological Higher Education Association Vacant
Technological Higher Education Association Mr Cormac O’Toole (SETU)
Trinity College Dublin Ms Victoria Butler
University College Cork Ms Nora Geary
University College Dublin Mr Colin Scott
University of Limerick Professor Kerstin Mey

Company Secretary:  Mr David Burke

Mr Phillip Fischer

Chief Information Officer, University College Dublin
Mike Murphy, HEAnet Chair

Prof Mike Murphy

Chairperson, Board of HEAnet and Professor Emeritus at TU Dublin
William Bennett

Dr William Bennett

Vice President for Academic Affairs and Registrar, Atlantic Technological University

Mr Gary Butler

Chief Financial and Performance Officer, University of Limerick

Dr Orla Flynn

President, Atlantic Technological University
Ms Orla Christle

Ms Orla Christle

Higher Education Authority (HEA)

Prof Noel O’Connor

Professor in the School of Electronic Engineering, Dublin City University

Ms Aoife Tuohy

Director Financial Accounts, University of Galway

Ms Rachel O’Connell

Head of Financial Reporting, Maynooth University

Dr Paul Feldman

former Chief Executive, JISC

Mr Patrick Magee

Director of Information Technology Services, Trinity College Dublin

Ms Allison Kavanagh

Consortium of National and University Libraries

Ms Nora Geary

University College Cork

HEAnet Group Committees:

Four group committees report to the Board of HEAnet:

Group Audit & Risk Committee:

The Group Audit Committee’s primary function is to assist the Boards of HEAnet and EduCampus Services in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities, including reviewing the financial information provided in the audited accounts; ensuring that adequate and effective systems of internal financial controls are in place, assessing the risk management function and overseeing the internal audit function.

HEAnet appoints an independent firm of auditors to conduct its internal audit function and the Audit Committee agrees an internal audit plan for a rolling three-year period. The auditors undertake an annual System of Internal Financial Control Audit, as well as other audits that focus on key business areas identified in the HEAnet and EduCampus Risk Registers.

The current Group Audit & Risk Committee members are:


HEAnet Board Dr Billy Bennett (HEAnet Director, Chair)
Dr Paul Feldman
Ms Aoife Tuohy (HEAnet Director)
EduCampus Services Board Ms Geraldine Minogue (EduCampus Director)
Independent External Member
Mr Cormac McSweeney

Group Finance Sub-Committee:

The main function of the Group Finance Sub-committee is to consider all financial matters relating to the group and to report its findings and recommendations to the respective Boards.

The current Finance Sub-Committee members are:


HEAnet Board Mr Phillip Fischer (HEAnet Director – Chair)
Professor Mike Murphy (HEAnet Director)
Ms Rachel O’Connell (HEAnet Director)
EduCampus Services Board Mr David Smith (EduCampus Director)

Group Remuneration Committee:

The HEAnet Group Remuneration Committee meetings bi-annually to review and consider the performance and remuneration of the HEAnet Chief Executive Officer and the EduCampus Chief Executive Officer.

The current HEAnet Group Remuneration Committee members are:

HEAnet Board Mr Gary Butler – Chair
Professor Mike Murphy
EduCampus Services Board Mr David Smith
  Mr David Denieffe

Group Nomination Committee:

The Group Nomination Committee’s role is to:

  • regularly review the structure, size and composition (including the skills, knowledge, experience and diversity) of the boards;
  • consider succession planning for directors;
  • keep up to date and fully informed about strategic issues and commercial changes affecting the company and the market in which it operates; and
  • be responsible for identifying and nominating for the approval of the board, candidates to fill board vacancies when a representative body nominate more than one nominee for consideration as a director.

The current HEAnet Group Nomination Committee members are:

HEAnet Board Mr Patrick Magee – Chair
Dr Orla Flynn
Professor Noel O’Connor
EduCampus Board Mr David Denieffe

Board and Sub-Committee attendance and expenses:

The directors do not receive remuneration for their services as per the company’s Constitution. However, travel costs and expenses incurred by directors in connection with the business of the company are reimbursed in accordance with the rates approved by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform.

HEAnet Company Constitution

Click here to view HEAnet Company Constitution.