Dr Lubna Luxmi Dhirani

Dr Lubna Luxmi Dhirani
University of Limerick
Lecturer - Dept. of Electronic & Computer Engineering
Lubna Luxmi Dhirani is a Lecturer in the Department of Electronic and Computer
Engineering (E&CE), University of Limerick, Ireland.
Lubna teaches Cybersecurity modules at CyberSkills (HEA HCI Pillar 3 program),Cyber Apprentice UL@Work and is a Course director for the BSc Cybersecurity program at UL. Lubna is the first Women In Engineering (WIE) Ambassador from Ireland in the IEEE WIE (UK&I Section).
In her previous role as a Postdoc, she worked on “Securing Machine to Machine (M2M)
communications in Industry 4.0” – an Industry based project funded by Johnson & Johnson and Confirm SFI Research Centre.
Lubna did her PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering from University of Limerick in
2019, being the first woman from her Ethnic community in Pakistan to pursue a degree in this field. Her PhD project was based on “Six Sigma based Novel Approach in resolving Hybrid Cloud Computing QoS and SLAbased issues in Heterogenous Cloud Environment”.
Lubna did an MSc in Business Information Technology from Southampton Solent University, United Kingdom and has worked as a lecturer for 3 years, teaching IT-based
courses at SZABIST, United Arab Emirates and ISRA University, Pakistan. She completed a B.Eng in Computer Systems from Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Pakistan.
Lubna’s research interests include: CybersecurityStandards, DataSecurity – Governance Risk and Control, Business, Cloud and IT Standards.
Her publications are listed at: Lubna Luxmi Dhirani (researchgate.net).
As a Technology Speaker, Lubna has delivered many invited talks, keynotes and webinars focusing on Industry Cybersecurity, Industry 4.0/IIoTand Cloud Computing. Her talk on "Cybersecurity Insights for Industrial IoT" at the IEEE WIE ILC 2021 ranked among the Top 10 sessions worldwide. On the IEEE WIE UK&I Ambassador front, Lubna organised an event
“Empowering Women in Triple Helix Model” under IEEE WIE UK&I and Confirm Research Centre’s flagship in 2021.
Lubna is actively involved in EPE’s encouraging Women to pursue their careers in STEM. She has remained a StemAspire mentee at DELL Technologies, Limerick (2018-19)and is a member of E&CE’s Athena Swan Committee at UL.