Dr Gerard Culley
Director of Information Technology, University College Cork
Dr Culley has been Director of IT in UCC now for the past 7 years. In this role, Gerard is responsible for the Strategic Planning and Direction of IT Services in University College Cork and for the service delivery of the IT function. Gerard is currently involved in a Major Digital Transformation Change agenda within UCC, funded in part by the European Investment Bank.
Gerard completed his Doctoral thesis on how Cloud Computing is transforming Higher Education. He is particularly interested in the new skills and competencies required by IT departments to support digital future.
Within his role as HEANET Board Director one of Gerard’s priorities is to ensure that HEANET has the skills and capabilities that the sector requires to support our customers into the future.
Prior to working in Higher Education, Gerard spent 15 years private Sector IT Industry experience with Heineken, Musgrave, Tyco and brings a degree of external IT industry perspective to the HEANET board.
Dr Culley is a member of the HEAnet Group Audit Committee.