The Key Role of Identity in EU Mobility Projects ▶


Claire Crowley - University College Cork


A proliferation of EU-wide initiatives supporting the concept of facilitating student mobility has led to confusion – which, if any, should we follow? Many projects focus on service delivery – what services can we make available to external students, how can we enable access to those services seamlessly, without the need for a student to register in multiple institutions, carry multiple ID cards, and access student data from multiple, unconnected systems?

At first glance, these initiatives seem to be running in parallel but with no cohesive cross-over. However, they all depend on one crucial piece of data – a eID that is unique across participating European Universities. With that in mind, we will take you through UCC’s experience of EU-wide mobility projects, looking at the key role played by identity in project success.

This presentation should be informative but also thought-provoking, perhaps leading to valuable discussions on how Ireland’s HEIs are engaging with EU projects and how we can collaborate to ensure we get maximum benefit from them.