Windows Desktop, Notebook and 2-in-1 Computers

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This is an Office of Government Procurement (OGP) framework available to HEAnet, its member institutes and consumers of its services.

Products Available Under Framework

This a multi supplier multi lot framework for the provision of Windows Desktop, Notebook and 2-in-1 Notebook Computers and Associated ICT Peripherals and Services. The lots under this framework are:

  • Lot 1 New Windows Desktop Computers and Windows Notebook Computers and Associated ICT Peripherals and Services 
  • Lot 2 2-in-1 Notebook Computers and Associated ICT Peripherals and Services 
  • Lot 3 – ICT Peripherals and Services 

The framework will expire on 12 July 2025.

More Detailed Information

You can request the information bundle here by selecting Computer_Devices_Windows_Desktop_Notebook_2in1.